中国青年报客户端  |  2024-09-20 21:30
北京文化论坛:外国嘉宾视角下的文明互鉴Beijing Culture Forum: Exploring Civilizational Exchange and Mutual Learning Through the Eyes of Foreign Guests

2024北京文化论坛盛大启幕。来自世界各地的文化学者、艺术家及各行业精英齐聚一堂,深入探索北京的传统与现代以及在全球化的背景下,如何促进不同文明之间的交流与互鉴。(中青报·中青网记者 张诗童)

The 2024 Beijing Culture Forum has grandly opened its doors. Cultural scholars, artists, and elites from various industries around the world have gathered together to delve deeply into Beijing's traditions and modernity, as well as to explore how to promote exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations amidst the backdrop of globalization.(Elena Zhang, Journalist from China Youth Daily)
