中国青年报客户端  |  2024-08-21 15:14
作者:蒋继璇 白杨 徐丹阳 郭庆



在接受中国青年报专访时,李昌徽表示,在AI时代,重点是让年轻人掌握数字技术等核心技能。他提到,对于国际劳工组织来说,推动如KAB创业教育项目等平台更符合AI时代特征,使其更贴近需要帮助的年轻人,也是题中应有之义,“面对AI带来的挑战,我相信中国会比其他国家准备得更好。”李昌徽说。(中青报·中青网见习记者蒋继璇 记者白杨 徐丹阳 实习生郭庆)

Changhee Lee from ILO:Young People Should be Equipped with Core Skills in AI Era

In the era of artificial intelligence, the younger generation stands at the forefront of transformation. AI is not only a technological innovation but also a test of the abilities of the youth. How should the youth meet the opportunities and challenges brought by AI? What projects can provide help and support youth?

On August 15th, at the 2024 World Youth Development Forum - Thematic Forum for Digital Development, the Director of the International Labor Organization for China and Mongolia Changhee Lee shared his insights and strategies.

In an exclusive interview with China Youth Daily, Changhee Lee said that in the AI era, the focus should be on equipping young people with new digital skills and other core skills. He mentioned that for the ILO, promoting platforms such as the KAB program to adapt to AI era and be closer to the young people in need of help, is also a matter of course. "Faced with the challenges brought by AI, I believe that China will be better prepared than other countries," said Changhee Lee. (Reporters: Jiang Jixuan, Bai Yang and Xu Danyang from China Youth Daily; Intern: Guo Qing)

责任编辑:叶雨婷 原春琳 宁迪