中国青年报客户端  |  2024-08-16 12:30
作者:赵丽梅 马子倩 杨洁 白杨



“重庆人民有多友好你知道吗?”黑山非政府组织35MM项目协调员斯涅扎娜•尼克切维奇在中国最早对外开埠的内陆通商口岸——重庆感受到了今日开放的中国。她对重庆之行充满期待,她也期待在这里链接更多人,“我期待拥有更多来自中国的朋友。”(中青报·中青网见习记者 赵丽梅 马子倩 记者 杨洁 白杨)

Central and Eastern European Youth in Chongqing: Experience China full of vigour and vitality

On 14 August, about 40 young people from Central and Eastern Europe, who are participating in the "Bridge of the Future" China-Central and Eastern Europe Youth Campus 2024 in Chongqing, visited the Chongqing Planning Exhibition Hall to experience the great changes in the mountain city. Many young people from Central and Eastern Europe were surprised by the changes in Chongqing.

Jaroslav Ruzicka, Head of Department of the Central Committee, Secretary of the Youth Commission of Communist party of Bohemia and Moravia came to China for the second time in ten years. In his opinion, China's cities have changed dramatically and today's China is full of vitality. He said: "I think China is improving its society more dynamically than Europe is now".

Snezana Nikicevic, Project Coordinator of NGO 35MM felt the enthusiasm of the people in Chongqing and the openness of China.

She hopes to meet more people in Chongqing, "I'm looking forward to (have) more friends from China," she said.(Zhao Limei, Ma Ziqian, Yang Jie,Bai Yang, journalists from China Youth Daily).
