中国青年报客户端  |  2024-06-27 13:25
作者:蒋继璇 马子倩 赵安琪


活动中咏春拳、闽剧、晋江掌中木偶等极具福建特色的非遗表演,带领中美青年领略中华文化的独特魅力。“簪花围”体验者瑞秋·维斯表示,中国之行太美妙了,不论你是否了解中国,都应该来这里亲身体验看一看。(中青报·中青网见习记者 蒋继璇 马子倩 记者 赵安琪)

Experiencing intangible cultural heritage, American youth encourages people to "experience Chinese culture by yourself"

On June 26th, "Bond with Kuliang: 2024 China-U.S. Youth Festival" the Youth Fair and Exhibition & Performance of Fujian Intangible Cultural Heritage was launched. The Youth Fair brought together 22 intangible cultural heritage exhibitions from Fujian and 20 creative bazaars from all over China. Chinese and American youth experienced intangible cultural heritage projects such as Jianyang Song Dynasty Tea-whisking, Carved Cork Diorama Art and Dress Adornment of the She Ethnic Group, as well as performances of Wing Chun, Min Opera, Jinjiang Hand-Puppet Show, and and other intangible cultural heritage items with strong Fujian characteristics, making Chinese and American young people appreciate the unique charm of Chinese culture. Rachel Weiss, a participant of the "head-pinned flowers" experience, said that the trip to China was so wonderful. "Whether you know China or not, you should come and experience it for yourself. "

(Reporter: Jixuan Jiang, Ziqian Ma, Anqi Zhao)
