中国青年报客户端  |  2024-06-15 13:07

6月11日,“未来之桥”中美青年交流计划山西行落下帷幕,来自美国的青年导演、剪辑师、创意总监和大学生等等,走进山西传媒学院、龙湖万达影院、平遥电影宫等地,与导演贾樟柯等多位中方电影从业人员共同探讨电影产业的合作与发展,就中美电影合拍、院校交流、华语电影赴美展映等多项内容达成合作共识。美国青年电影人如何感知多元文化交流?如果有机会回到中国,他们会选择拍摄一部怎样的电影?欢迎点击观看视频。(中青报·中青网记者 张诗童)

On 11 June, The ‘Bridge of the Future’ China-U.S. Youth Exchange Programme in Shanxi ended. Young directors, editors, creative directors, and college students from the United States went to the Communication University of Shanxi, Longhu Wanda Cinema, Pingyao Film Palace, etc.

They exchanged ideas with director Jia Zhangke and other Chinese film practitioners. They agreed on cooperation between China and the U.S. on film co-productions, institutional exchanges, and Chinese-language films to be screened in the U.S.

How do young American filmmakers perceive multicultural exchange? If they had the opportunity to return to China, what kind of film would they choose to make? Welcome to watch the video. (Elena Zhang, Journalist from China Youth Daily)
