据悉,本次活动是由全国青联和全国对外友协共同发起并组织实施的“未来之桥”中美青年交流计划伙伴活动。(中青报·中青网见习记者 蒋继璇 王璟瑄 记者 叶雨婷)
Chinese Olympic Champion Ding Ning sent message to Chinese and American youth: "May sports give you the strength to walk in a wide world."
From July 13 to 28,During the 2024 China-US Youth Table Tennis Invitational and Revisiting "Ping-Pong Diplomacy" Summer camp, Ding Ning, Chair of OCA Athletes' Committee, Olympic champion, served as a mentor for the event, guiding the young Chinese and American players. She said, through a tiny Ping-Pong ball, she hopes that the event can promote cultural and sports exchanges between China and the US and that sports could empower the youth and help them embrace the wide world.(Jiang Jixuan, Wang Jingxuan, Ye Yuting / China Youth Daily)