印度11岁男孩看起来像老人 衰老速度是同龄人的8倍


2017年9月11日(具体拍摄时间不详),印度中央邦,来自印度中央邦的11岁男孩Shreyash Barmate外表看起来就像是个老人,这是因为他患有早衰症,衰老速度是同龄人的8倍。虽然只有11岁,Shreyash已经长了皱纹,并且还出现了秃发,四肢也比同龄人要脆弱。尽管很有可能在2年后死去,Shreyash并没有放弃对未来的希望,他唱歌,弹奏乐器,骑自行车,开汽车,也会去游泳。他说自己长大后想成为一名歌手。***_****** EXCLUSIVE *** MADHYA PRADESH, INDIA - SEPTEMBER 2017: Shreyash Barmate, 11, who suffers from Progeria, poses for a picture with his friends on September, 2017 in Madhya Pradesh, India. An inspirational boy with an ultra-rare genetic condition that makes him look like an old man refuses to let it hold him back ? and even drives a car. Shreyash Barmate, 11 who lives in Madhya Pradesh, India, has progeria ? a condition which causes rapid aging in children. The condition leaves Shreyash suffering from baldness, heavy wrinkles and weakened limbs. The Progeria Research Foundation believe the syndrome is so rare it affects around 1 in 20 million people. PHOTOGRAPH BY Rare Shot / Barcroft Images London-T:+44 207 033 1031 E:hello@barcroftmedia.com - New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 E:hello@barcroftusa.com - New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429 E:hello@barcroftindia.com www.barcroftimages.com PHOTOGRAPH BY Rare Shot / Barcroft Images

  2017年9月11日(具体拍摄时间不详),印度中央邦,来自印度中央邦的11岁男孩Shreyash Barmate外表看起来就像是个老人,这是因为他患有早衰症,衰老速度是同龄人的8倍。虽然只有11岁,Shreyash已经长了皱纹,并且还出现了秃发,四肢也比同龄人要脆弱。尽管很有可能在2年后死去,Shreyash并没有放弃对未来的希望,他唱歌,弹奏乐器,骑自行车,开汽车,也会去游泳。他说自己长大后想成为一名歌手。图片来源:视觉中国


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